Initially, when DBS first launched in the U.K, its purpose was to serve as a criminal record checking service. In particular, it was to keep vulnerable individuals safe in the workplace and other areas from criminals. As soon as this launched, Scotland and Northern Ireland followed. However, since its first launch, the system has changed, … Continue reading “Can I get my own DBS check?”
Category: Uncategorized
Can I get my own DBS check?
Screening and DBS for work overseas
Once the COVID virus has been tamed and the world is back to normal we can consider different opportunities. Have you envisioned a dream career at sea? In comparison to other forms of employment, you will have to undergo a few more steps, to navigate the shores. A few of these requirements involve proof of … Continue reading “Screening and DBS for work overseas”
Do face mask fines show up on a DBS Check?
Due to the new normal, wearing a face mask in the U.K has been somewhat controversial. Generally, the majority of the population has to wear a facemask because it is the law. On the contrary, some may be exempt from doing so if they have medical difficulties. However, if you get caught not wearing one, … Continue reading “Do face mask fines show up on a DBS Check?”